Weekly News

Each week, we send out a Weekly News email that informs you of upcoming weekly schedule, resources, events, and more. You can subscribe to receive these emails below. 

Subscribe Here

Church Library

Our Church Library offers a wide variety of resources for you to equip yourself and your family with what they need to grow closer to God and deeper in their faith.

Library Hours:

Sunday's from 10:45-12:15pm

Wednesday's from 6:00-7:15pm

Contact Becky Hamilton for more information or help. 

Online Library Search

Ordering Service Recordings

We have recordings available from each service. DVD’s are $7.00 each and CD’s are $3.00 each. You can place an order online and usually pick up your order the following Friday.

Order Here

Axis Parenting Resources

Axis is a resource that builds lifelong faith by helping parents and caring adults talk with their kids about what they otherwise wouldn't, one conversation at a time. Their vision is to see all caring adults equipped with the conversation, discipleship, and cultural translation skills needed to reach the next generation for Christ.

Click here for AXIS Membership

Realm Member Login

Realm is our church management system. You can create an account and login to update your information, check your giving, etc. If you're having trouble with your login, please contact Tina Hankins

Login Here.

Realm Connect



Our church has moved to a new kind of church record keeping solution called Realm®. It primarily serves the administrative needs of our staff, but it also offers some exciting opportunities to support the way you are involved in our church. Not only will this improve work life for our ministry staff, it will make it easier for our church family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on, and grow as a connected community of believers.

Stay connected to our church wherever you go by downloading the free Connect - Our Church Community app for iPhone and Android devices. Use it to communicate with your groups, RSVP to events, manage your giving, update profile information, and more. It makes it easier for us to connect throughout the week and know what’s happening.

  • News—Keeps everyone up-to-date with the latest posts, photos, and events for your group and for your church as a whole

  • Posts—Post messages to your group and comment on posts by others in your group

  • Photos—Capture your moments together and share them with your group

  • Events—See event details (date, time, location, etc), submit your RSVP, and sign up to bring something

  • Participants—See names and basic profile details for the people in your church or group, based on their privacy preferences

  • Notification Settings—Manage your preferences for group notifications and emails

  • Files —Access your group’s shared files

  • Messages—Send your entire group, or select individuals, a message that starts a conversation

What should I do when I login?

Members should review their profile when they access Realm for the first time. Everyone in our church gets a unique profile. Your profile contains everything you want people in our church to know about you. Your profile also enables you to join a small group, RSVP to events, track your giving, update your contact information, change family details, set notification preferences, or replace that outdated family photo. If you have more than one email address please verify the preferred email address. (Changing your preferred email address changes your logon to REALM)

What can others see?

By default, the viewing of your contact and personal information is limited to members of groups you are in, group leaders, and staff members. If you choose to, however, you can make your information visible to the entire church. But if you prefer to be more private, you can customize how people see specific information.

What about my privacy?

Realm is safe, private, and secure.
Your privacy is one of our greatest concerns. Realm is only made up of the people in our church, it’s not like a social network that’s open to everyone. Realm keeps your data safe and gives you control over what information you share and who can see it. Find out more here.

                             Get App on Google

Register for a Realm Invite

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